Simulate the measurement of a devices response using a synthetic
device model. This is intended for testing of profile creation
accuracy. A device link separation or color space conversion can be
applied before the print/measure simulation.
synthread [-v] [separation.icm] inoutfile
Verbose mode
separation profile
Lab rather than XYZ
power to input device chanel 0-9 (after sep.)
average random deviation of <level>% to input device
values (after sep.)
average random deviation of <level>% to output PCS values
random deviations have uniform distributions rather than normal
black point to target Lab value
link separation profile
Base name for input[.ti1]/output[.ti3] file
synthread xxxx testvalues
synthread -p xxx separation.icm testvalues
The -v flag does nothing at
the moment.
The -p flag enables a
device to device value conversion before converting to expected PCS
The -l flag causes the CIE
output values to be L*a*b* rather than the default XYZ values.
The -0, -1, -2 .. -9
parameters are a way of simulating changes in the behaviour of the
simulated printing system. The parameter supplied to the flag will
be used to modify the device values (after any separation is
applied) by raising them to the power of the parameter. This applies
a transfer curve to the simulated device response.
The -r parameter is a way
of simulating instability in the behaviour of the simulated printing
system. The parameter supplied to the flag will be used to scale a
random offset added to the device values (after any separation is
applied). The offset will be a normally distributed error with an
average deviation of level%. A typically value supplied might be 1.0
to simulate 1% randomness.
The -R parameter is a way
of simulating instability in the behaviour of the simulated
measuring system. The parameter supplied to the flag will be used to
scale a random offset added to the PCS values. The offset will be a
normally distributed error with an average deviation of level%. A
typically value supplied might be 1.0 to simulate 1% randomness.
The -u flag changes the
distribution of the random offsets applied using the -r or -R flags, from the default standard deviation, to a
uniform deviation distribution. The level is still specified as an
average deviation.
The -b parameter is a way
of simulating devices that have a different black point to the
profile used. This only works if an ICC profile is used, and scales
the black point to the parameter value. This will be done in XYZ
space by default, and in L*a*b* space if the -l flag is used.
synthread is useful in creating artificial test value for testing colprof, as well as providing one path for
turning an MPP profile into an ICC profile.
If a separation device profile is provided (e.g. from CMY ->
CMYK, or perhaps CMYK->CMYK, to simulate a color correction step
before "printing"), then this will be applied to the .ti1 device
values, before converting the the device values into .ti3 PCS